the world went mad.

I'm a Malaysian.
and i love Malaysia a lot.
but i don't want to be living in it right now.
not after all the rubbish politicians shooting their loose mouth and arresting everyone who is supposedly to be 'going against' Islam.
For all the years in school, I've been taught that Islam is a tolerant religion and respects other religion. I'd even grow to like hearing those Islam verses the primary school kids chant during their Agama classes. I can still hear shadows of these verses in my head. It's not annoying nor intruding into my religion. If we can accept Islam as another religion then why can't Islam respect ours too?

I guess it's because some muddle-headed extremist which caused much havoc over the years. For example, the animal name calling in the parliament. come on. it's the parliament! the place where rules are discussed and the nation taken care of.
why do we have a bunch of fools up there leading us?

The recent article about banning tomboyish behaviors (by the fatwa groups) and building a Chinese Muslim mosque on the Pudu jail location caught my attention. First of all, why do we even need a Chinese Muslim mosque? Malay is our first language and aren't all mosques open to whoever who is Muslim disregard of their race? Not only that, I believe Pakatan Rakyat MP Zulkifli Nordin is truly nuts. Build God's house on a former jail grounds? That's just degrading the mosque. Criminals die there involuntarily. Here are some rather funny comments that I found on a blog post..

written by cheekhiaw, October 23, 2008 21:53:07
Without great idiotic followers, the gods would not be that great.

written by Alice, October 23, 2008 22:19:51
"I do not care about what other people think of me because I will have to answer to Allah." - Zulkifli Noordin.
======================================================= ====================
Zul I feel so sorry for you. You betul-betul sesat dalam perjuangan you untuk mempertahankan Islam. Musuh Islam bukan orang-orang bukan Melayu. Musuh Islam adalah orang-orang Islam sendiri kerana mempunyai pemahaman yang sangat cetek terhadap agama sendiri. (Translation: You really are lost in you own fight to protect Islam. Islam's enemy are not those who aren't Malay. Islam's enemy are those who are Islam but possess an extremely shallow understanding towards their own religion.)

Kenapa nak bina masjid lain utk org Cina ??? Kamu ni racistlah! (Translation: Why do you need to build a mosque for Chinese? You're a racist!)

Tuhan tidak MEMAKSA makhluknya mencintainya. Ia adalah pilihan individu .Sekiranya LINA JOY mahu memeluk agama Kristian maka ia adalah pilihannya sendiri. Antara dia dan tuhan .Siapalah kamu? Kamu bagaikan tin kosong yang bising. (Translation: God does not FORCE His people to love Him. It is a choice. If Lina Joy wants to become a Christian, then its her choice. It's between her and God. Who are you? You're an empty can which is making a lot of noise.)

written by Kuku Burung, October 23, 2008 23:29:26
Trying to imitate Osama bin Laden, Ah? But tak layak lah! Palsu betul. Budak yang hilang akal. (Translation: Trying to imitate Osama bin Laden, Ah? But you're not qualified! So fake. A boy who has lost his mind.)

written by smeagrooo, October 23, 2008 23:43:38
pudu jail for a house of god?

zul, r u nuts?

u go there to see god or see ghosts?

written by GeoGeo, October 24, 2008 00:45:35
Zul, remember and your muslim student mates were not badly treated when you were studying in Victoria or any other UNIs all over NZ.
You were a liberated soul.
Like wise the thousands of Muslim in NZ.
Why are you so HARDUP ???
In Malaysia Islam is the Kingpin, the other religious believes just want their share of OWN worship. Is that very wrong to you ???
Remember while you were in NZ , we did not disallow you in anything you wanted to believe or worship.

But then if you want to scheme your frog disco act, please don't glorify your Islamic stands as an excuse........JUST DO IT.....JUMP.

Allah is always GREAT

written by ROBERTNGTG, October 24, 2008 07:44:16
"This pillar is being challenged from left, right, above, below, behind or in front, whether from the ruling party or from this side," he said, referring to the opposition benches." - Zulkifli Noordin.


written by mikewang, October 24, 2008 09:15:47
Instead of doing something to "pakat" all Malaysians together, this guy is suggesting diversive ways to pull the people farther apart.

Instead of freeing minds, he is trying to imprison them using religion as an excuse.

This guy should be in BN/UMNO instead of PR/PKR.
Even Tok Nik Aziz's PAS has more sense.

The article and comments can be read from the web add below:

How arrogant this Zul seems to be. He is trying to 'defend' God. Allah is Almighty in the Islamic context then why does he feel the need to defend God? Islam teaches people to be respectful and does not restrict its followers on how to think.
And here's my utter surprise. His education background. It's a wonder.

Ashby Road (English) Primary School, Ipoh.
Anderson Secondary School Ipoh and King Edward VII Taiping.
Pre-University in Maktab Tentera Di Raja, Sungai Besi.
A-Levels in Pakuranga College, Bucklands Beach, Auckland.
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

So much exposure to Westernization. He's a lawyer educated overseas and yet he comes up with such ignorant statements about the Islamic religion. It's a surprise how he managed to become one of the MP's for PRK. Surely Anwar isn't too blind to notice this blatant fool making so much noise which only will resulted in a full on national hatred.

Now, let's comment on banning tomboyish behaviors. First of all, I have seen many tomboyish looking women who are married and have kids. so why is this behavior considered as 'Haram'? These religious leaders seemed to have lost their way and now bravely state that it's because they're trying to combat lesbianism. Wow. Sexual preferences and gender identity are two different things. Being a tomboy doesn't mean that you're a lesbian. Omg. why are they so shallow. Haven't they read enough of the Quran to understand what God really meant?

And recently in US, there's this Proposition 8 Act which will not recognize same sex wedding throughout the whole country. Their reason: to re-install the traditional one man, one woman marriage image and to provide a functional family for the children. If they'd really cared for the children, they would probably consider the amount of abandoned kids that were adopted by same sex couples.

All these shallow people in the world. So full of themselves. All they do is create havoc. Not everyone have to be Islam to be able to go to heaven. All the Muslims does not need to be robots; following a certain standard of living, wearing a limited shade of color, wearing a certain style of clothing, everyone is the same. LGBT people does not choose to be who they are. We're born with it, it's in our genes. The world seems to have gone nuts, filled with all these extremist... so lost in their own preference of views. So ignorant of others.

But luckily, they will have to answer to God. For we all have to die in the end.

1 comment:

DC said...

Totally agree. Ignorant fool who does not know what he is preaching about. Raving lunatic! People should be free to dress/ speak/ eat/ pray to/ do whatever the hell they want to. God gave us a freedom, and a choice. It's our lives to live. I do agree that tomboyish girls aren't always gay. And so they think that girly girl are not gay as well? You cannot try to curb a person's sexuality simply by constraining them in the way they dress/ think or act. This iron handed approach will not work one single bit! It's pure madness. They say that Islam is intolerant, but look at their own people - it is the Muslims themselves in Malaysia that are gay/ bi/ transexual. Most pondans are Malay guys. Most cross dressers are malay guys. It's blatant stupidity to think that just because they don't see it out in the open means it does not exist. To me, most of them actually know of all these "acts" and people but choose to close an eye to it or are just plainly deluding themselves to the fact that their own people, who apparently are the holier than thou race in our beloved Malaysia are perfect and do not practice any of these "disgusting and vile" acts. Bottom line, people are who they are and if you can't fuckin accept it, just fuck off. Intolerant and discriminatory. These people should not take their holy word out of context, and should learn to have some love for people around them to end up being dead for the holy wars
(both physical and also emotional) that they fight. Progress in the country or in a society is about moving forward, instead of regressing into what they were 50 years ago. Ignorance is not bliss and they have to start accepting the reality of things. Phew. finish ranting edi.